PJ’s Birthday Bash / Country Boy Intensive

Join Us in Celebration of PJ’s Bday Bash! This will be a weekend of socializing, learning and dancing.

Friday night:
Kick off the bash with the Brew Bus of Knoxville! The Brew Bus of Knoxville Tour will be taking us to some great micro breweries in Downtown Knoxville. Details with times will be posted soon.


Join Robert Royston and PJ Turner while the teach the Country Boy Intensive at 10AM-4PM at the Flynn Square Dance Center.

Saturday Night Dance
Put what you learned at the intensives to the test and for some great social dancing at Cotton Eyed Joe Country club from 6PM-10PM. This night club is where PJ learned Line Dancing and got his dance journey started! There will an admission fee to get in the Club.

Wrap up the amazing weekend with the Blues Brews and BBQ dance party at The Elks Lodge from 1PM-5PM. This will be a great weekend with a Bunch of festivities in beautiful Knoxville TN.